
Sanlam Kenya

About Sanlam Kenya Plc is a Kenyan incorporated diversified financial services group listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. Sanlam Kenya provides a comprehensive suite of financial solutions tailored to meet the distinctive Kenyan market needs. Through its subsidiaries Sanlam Life Insurance Limited and Sanlam General Insurance Limited, Sanlam Kenya is well positioned to meet unique client needs in the General and Life Insurance space. Founded on a rich heritage and good corporate citizenship, Sanlam Kenya currently features a branch network of 15 client experience centres across Kenya’s major towns. The firm enjoys a market share of 6.84% in the Kenyan Life Insurance industry, serving over 78,000 policyholders under individual life and more than 235,000 under group life.

A message from Sanlam Kenya Plc Group CEO Dr. Patrick Tumbo

Sanlam Kenya Plc (SKP) and its subsidiaries, Sanlam Life Insurance Ltd Kenya and Sanlam General Insurance Ltd Kenya are committed to having a positive impact on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) pillars. SKP is listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange and provides comprehensive financial solutions tailored to meet the distinctive Kenyan market needs. Our purpose embraces Sustainability as we are committed to help create a world worth living in and enable people to live the best possible life within it. We recognize the importance of ESG in creating long-term value for all our stakeholders as we integrate ESG into our decision-making processes, manage risks and seize opportunities that contribute to a sustainable future. We are committed to implementing sustainable business practices in terms of our products, processes, innovation, and continuous improvement. We have embraced Sustainable Partnerships through shared value creation as we help to create a better future.

Kenya ESG Awards
Kenya ESG Awards

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